Your site is ready. Serkan Guzel you are solely responsible for the contents of your site.

Please note that proxy scripts, game scripts (e.g. steam, galaxytool), torrent scripts, hacking toolz, php encoded scripts, mail-only accounts are strictly forbidden here and your account can be instantly terminated if you upload not allowed stuff. As well, illegal materials like paid scripts without license (e.g vBulletin or IPB) are not allowed and you risk to have ENTIRE account deleted without warning. Check our terms for more.
Adult and wap/mobile sites are allowed only if you upgrade.

You can delete this page hostpage.html or rename it to anything you want for future reference. Upload a valid index: index.html index.php index.htm Index.php index.shtml Index.htm Index.html default.htm default.html home.htm home.html else you will see a 403 (forbidden) page.

To update/modify your account go to Account Manager located at

Account username:

Password: *hidden*

FTP host:

FTP username:

FTP password: equal with account password

MySQL database: *hidden* for security reasons - go to Account Manager to find it

MySQL host: localhost

MySQL username: *hidden* for security reasons - go to Account Manager to find it

MySQL password: equal with account password

MySQL database must be activated via Account Manager >> Just hit Create DB button.

Your phpMyAdmin is located at Log in using MySQL username NOT account username.

Account password is the same with ftp password and database password. So, if you change it don't forget to update all your configuration files.


Edit custom error pages to anything you want:

404.html - not found errors (trial)

403.html - forbidden errors

We fully support dot files (.htaccess, .htpasswd) but please note that .htaccess will only have effect under a subfolder of your site (eg. For security reasons, it is hidden for ftp access. To update, just replace it with the new .htaccess file stored on your computer.

Because PHP warnings and notices can seriously damage website design, errors have been turned off by default. If a php script is broken you will get a 500 Internal server error. To debug, enable errors inserting the following line on top of your php script between <?php and ?>.

// Report all PHP errors

Or, if your script is installed under a subfolder add a .htaccess file with this line:

php_flag display_errors On

When you finish the job, turn it off with
php_flag display_errors Off
then replace .htaccess.


Some users complain about register_globals feature. Some need it off, others on. This can be easily solved for subfolders with .htaccess. Just add, depending on your needs:

php_flag register_globals On


php_flag register_globals Off


With just $1/month, you have ALL ads removed and support us to offer a quality service. Go to for more details.

To prevent abuse, traffic limit is 5000MB/day. You should contact us as we raise bandwidth limit on request. Please do not request more bandwidth if you don't need it. Don't forget to check our terms, storage/download related sites are not allowed.

If you need a hit tracker (web counter), check our service: - Professional website statistics, fast and easy signup. All for FREE. Sign up then just copy the code on your pages.

Use a very hard to guess password to prevent your account being hacked. Also, install only new and optimized scripts. Mysql password is equal with account password and if your script with db connection is hacked, entire account is hacked. Take care with file permissions specially with FULL - 777!!! Once installed, set permissions for script configuration file to 644.


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